Street Library with children's book Illustrator Hervé Le Goff

12182496_915026965240068_5909573637414418032_o12186759_915018381907593_3289238135774075232_oOn Saturday, October 24, the New Orleans team welcomed the French children's book illustrator, Hervé Le Goff, who participated in the Street Library in France when he was a child. He demonstrated creating a character with emotions and taught children how to make new colors by mixing different colors. The kids were very excited – they thought it was magical! After Hervé and the kids painted an alligator character together, the kids were invited to draw their own animal characters and painted them with his help.This event was especially meaningful to the neighborhood because of a recent neighborhood incident. Two weeks before Hervé’s visit, a man was shot on the street next to where we have our Street Library. Two families we know, whose children were participating in the Street Library, decided to move out of the neighborhood after that. Since the incident, the streets are mostly empty and people avoid going outside.Despite the situation in the neighborhood, we decided to still have our Saturday Street Library, while assuring the kids’ safety. We brought out some lively activities and invited people to join us to brighten up the streets. Hearing kids painting, playing, laughing, and running together brought some energy back to the community.At the end of the day, Hervé said he was happy to have met these children he wouldn't have been able to meet otherwise. We hope that he will continue to share his talent with ATD. We know he was a big hit with the kids and families in the neighborhood!View more photos here.
