Happy New Year from the Street Libraries!

In Mexico City (Mexico), the Street Library has been taking place in the neighborhood of Los Hornos in the south of Mexico City, for nearly two years. Immediately when the idea of a Street Library was proposed to the parents in the street where it takes place, it was greeted enthusiastically. Since then, the area where we set up is swept free of dust on our arrival and the shade is provided by neighbors who put up a tarp.1When it first started, children weren't used to sitting down and reading for any length of time. Today it is a common sight to see older children reading to their younger brothers or sisters, others reading to themselves and groups of children reading alongside a Street Library facilitator. Each session is met with excitement as children look to see if their favorite book is among those on offer, such as "El Grufalo" (The Gruffalo), "Willy el soñador" (Willy the Dreamer) or "¿Dónde está Wally?" (Where's Waldo).With the year coming to an end, thoughts turn to the festive season. Here in Mexico that means "posadas" and "piñatas." This year as2 a part of the arts and crafts activities, children are looking forward to making their own piñata: making the papier maché form and decorating with colored tissue papers. It is always remarkable how the atmosphere becomes one of peace and concentration, as well as collaboration, as children work on their craft and help their friends with their work.Your contributions to adopt a Street Library help us continue to create a space of peace and learning in under-resourced communities. We look forward to share more news in 2016! We sincerely thank you and wish you a very happy new year!If you would like to support these children's joy of learning, adopt a Street Library here today.
