Searching for Our Human Treasures: A Tapori campaign

In October, Story Garden joined the worldwide network of children called Tapori, to be part of the new campaign “Searching for Our Human Treasures."  We are learning from the children about who their loved ones are, and what special memories or objects are most precious to them. 

Watch children in New Mexico and New York City tell us about their treasures!

After asking the children, “What is a treasure for you and where do you keep it?” we began to create our collective treasure box, representing each with a "coin". For three weeks we created coins all together and we are keeping the coins safe in our Tapori Treasure Box!

One 9 year old girl shared, “My first treasure would be me and my family. Because I actually love my family and they usually keep me from worrying about too many things about them.  They usually say: ‘It’s okay. I’m right here. Nothing’s going to happen.’”

Another 9 year old girl had a lot of ideas and really helped the other children start thinking about treasures: “My voice is a treasure to me because I can talk and interact with people. And if I didn’t have my voice, I wouldn’t be able to sing or talk or do anything.”

Tapori children in countries around the world are carrying out these same activities about our human treasures! This was a source of inspiration for us as facilitators and for the children, when we explained that groups of kids in African, Latin American and European countries are talking about the same subject. This was a beautiful opportunity for children at the Gallup flea market to be part of a video about what Story Garden means to them, so that children throughout the world can get to know them.

It’s not too late to join the 2021-2022 Tapori campaign with the children in your life!