An Ocean in the Desert

rachelle-and-tavjeanaChildren add fish to the ocean!

From Gallup, New Mexico

Dear Friends,The last few months have seen many changes at the Gallup Flea Market--site of our weekly Story Garden--as new management took over. The transition meant that some of the fixtures at our Story Garden space were no longer available to us: our castle, the awning shielding us from the elements, and other nearby structures protecting us from the wind. How would we re-create a comfortable, safe space for families? We were no sooner asking ourselves this question than community members were stepping up offering encouragement, ideas, and their time, skills and materials to help us. Sandy and Andy, long-time vendors, summed it up: “Don’t worry… We’ll build something even better!” And thanks to vendors, market management, and community members, we did!

andy-and-davidDavid and Andy get ready to tow the trailer to its new home!

It all started with Andy, who is also part of the staff at the market: he offered us an old trailer to be used for our space. He even came out after work one evening, and with David (a vendor) towed the trailer to our space. David used his leaf-blower to remove the years of dust that had piled up inside!

esther-paintingEsther helps sand and paint the trailer in our ocean theme!

Over the next few months, others came to help sand and paint the trailer. Drew and Andrea (volunteers whom we met through UNM Adult Education) helped paint the exterior to look like water with waves. Mark (vendor and drywaller) advised us on the drywall, and Drew installed the drywall and shelves. Esther (volunteer facilitator and grandmother from the Street Library) helped every step of the way with sanding, painting and decorating the trailer. She also donated pillows to make the interior space comfortable for children. Brandy (vendor and mother) crocheted jellyfish that now decorate the inside of our ocean-themed trailer. The children painted various fish on the outside during our Saturday Story Garden.Next came Indio (a neighbor and contractor). He noticed that the step to get into the trailer was too high for the children. He donated the materials and his time to build a step and handrail. He also donated paint that we used to beautify the outside space.Thanks to UNM Adult Education, we were given a children’s table and chairs from a local elementary school. Flea Market staff, concerned by the heat in the direct sun, loaned us and installed for us two pop-up canopies. They continue to provide electricity free-of-charge to us as well.Needless to say, we have been humbled by the many creative ways that community members shaped our new space! Many thanks to them and to you for your support in creating our own little ocean in the desert!ATD Fourth World New Mexico team 

New Mexico, Street Library