Friends and Fundraising in New Orleans
Sr. Jane McKinlay with Linda Tufton and Kathy Garaudy, co-chairs of the organizing committee.
The New Orleans Garden Party has become a fantastic springtime event in which ATD Fourth World friends gather for a festive afternoon and bring together resources in support of ATD Fourth World Movement work in New Orleans. Since it was first started 15 years ago, this event has always introduced people to the work of ATD Fourth World and invited them to participate and support it.
The unseasonably cool day and threatening rain at the end of March did not deter friends from turning out at the home of Betsy and Gary LaBorde, who generously hosted the event for the first time. Kathy Garaudy and Linda Tufton led the organizing committee and with the help of many others welcomed 80 people and raised $9,000 through the event. Kathy spoke about the impact of a Street Library for a child in an under-resourced neighborhood. She painted the Street Library picture - facilitators going to the neighborhood regularly, bringing books and beautiful art, fostering times for children to read and create alongside family members - “all things that are so important to the growth of the human spirit.” Thanks to the ongoing and growing network of allies, supporters, and friends, the work continues and grows the human spirit in all of us.
Community building was also strong in New Orleans on May 7, GiveNOLA Day, when hundreds of organizations received online donations or in person volunteering to impact their community projects. ATD Fourth World participated in this online giving day and raised over $2,100. Thank you everybody who donated to support our Summer Festival of Learning!