Board of Directors
Laurent Ferrari, Former Senior Vice-President Strategy and Development Support, International Division of EDF (Électricité de France), Paris. Treasurer of Fondation ATD France since 2022; ATD Fourth World Ally since 1983; joined the board in 2023.
Abdul Jabbar Ghayoor, Treasurer, Vice President of Finance and Risk Management, Bridgespan. Joined the board in 2024.
Jane Hsiao, ATD Fourth World USA Finance Manager; Takoma Park, MD. ATD Fourth World Volunteer Corps member 1986 to 1989; ATD Fourth World Ally since 1989; has served on the board since 1993.
Christian Josz, Chair, retired international civil servant (International Monetary Fund), Chevy Chase, Maryland. ATD Fourth World Ally since 1987; has served on the board since 2011.
Faith Lemon, Program Director at Disability Rights Fund; Taos, NM. ATD Fourth World Ally since 2009; has served on the board since 2017.
Janet Nelson, Vice Chair, ATD Fourth World’s main representative to the United Nations in Geneva; was Vice-President of International Movement ATD Fourth World, from to 2018 to 2022; ATD Fourth World Ally since 2003; previously worked for UNICEF; joined the board in 2023.
Yasmine Raouf, Secretary, Chief of Staff at the NASH Refugee Resettlement Initiative; New York, NY. ATD Fourth World Volunteer Corps member 2021 to 2023; has served on the board since 2025
Dierdre Steib Mauss, ATD Fourth World Volunteer Corps member since 2013; New Orleans, LA. ATD Fourth World Ally from 1988 to 2013; has served on the board since 2006.